
Gathering, The

5 Products
  • The Gathering 'Souvenirs' 2LP Vinyl

    The Gathering 'Souvenirs' 2LP Vinyl


    Souvenirs was originally released on 24 February 2003 through the band's own independent label, Psychonaut Records. Their first since parting ways with Century Media, it was recorded at E-Sound, Loud and A1 studio's during 2002 and 2003 under the...

  • The Gathering 'Home' 2LP Vinyl

    The Gathering 'Home' 2LP Vinyl


    Home - from 2006 - was the eighth studio album from The Gathering. A dark and emotional concept work based about daily routine, it was the last to feature lead singer and lyricist Anneke van Giersbergen.    Produced, mixed and...

  • The Gathering 'Souvenirs' CD

    The Gathering 'Souvenirs' CD


    'Souvenirs' was originally released on 24 February 2003 through the band's own independent label, Psychonaut Records. Their first since parting ways with Century Media, it was recorded at E-Sound, Loud and A1 studio's during 2002 and 2003 under the...

The Gathering is a Dutch heavy rock band, founded in 1989.

The Gathering earliest releases were categorized as atmospheric doom metal with influences from death metal acts like Celtic Frost and Hellhammer. In 1998, with the release of their fifth studio album How to Measure a Planet?, they had a major shift in musical style, with the group acknowledging the growing influence of shoegazingpost-rockexperimental rock and the more ethereal sounds of 4AD bands, such as Dead Can DanceCocteau Twins, as well as Pink FloydRadiohead and Massive Attack; they expanded their sound, which acquired characteristics of progressivealternative rock, and trip hop and gained success and recognition beyond the European borders. The group continue to expand upon the experimental nature of their music.