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Hawkwind T-Shirts & Merchandise

Point your Silver Machine to the heavens and head to space... wearing a Hawkwind t-shirt of course!

You run out of superlatives quickly when trying to describe the psychedelic sounds of Hawkwind and the impact that they have had on psychedelic music since they first formed at the tail end of the 1960s.

At Eyesore Merch our collection of Hawkwind t-shirts represent over 40 years of mind-melting music, from t-shirts celebrating the early years such as the In Search of Space t-shirt and the live recording Space Ritual t-shirt to the Blood of the Earth t-shirt that marks their more recent releases.

Celebrate sonic excesses and journeys into space and beyond with some Hawkwind merchandise from Eyesore Merch.

And one last thing... this was the band Lemmy was in prior to forming Motorhead!!!