
Escape From New York

4 Products

Escape the Ordinary: Dress Like Snake Plissken in Escape From New York Apparel!

Calling all future criminals, renegade cab drivers, and admirers of dystopian chic! It's time to break free from the fashion norm and enter the gritty world of Escape From New York with our collection of officially licensed apparel!

Channel Snake Plissken's Anti-Hero Style

  • Classic "Snake" Tees: A Badge of Anti-Hero Honor: Show your allegiance to the one-eyed badass himself with a simple yet powerful "Snake Plissken" logo tee. Available in a variety of styles and colors (think black, grey, and maybe a hint of burnt orange), these versatile shirts are perfect for everyday wear or a trip to a rough part of town (but hopefully not a giant Manhattan prison island).
  • Detailed Graphic Tees: Dive into the Grime of 1997 New York: Go beyond the logo with graphic tees showcasing iconic scenes from the movie, like Snake navigating the treacherous streets, facing off against Duke or battling the insidious Brain. Find a tee that sparks memories of this cult classic.
  • Limited Edition Tees for the True Fan: Be part of a resistance movement (of style!) with limited-edition Escape From New York apparel. Commemorate the film's anniversary, celebrate the release of new merchandise designs, or snag exclusive tees featuring Snake's iconic eyepatch, the Duke of New York, or the infamous flying taxi cab.

Beyond Tees: A Full Escapee's Wardrobe

  • Channel the Dystopian Vibe with Sweatshirts and Hoodies: Embrace the grimy, industrial atmosphere of Escape From New York with a stylish hoodie or sweatshirt. Imagine yourself navigating the underbelly of the city in a comfy fleece option emblazoned with a scene from the film or a weathered "New York" graphic.
  • Hats and Bags for a Lawless Look: Top off your outfit with a hat or bag that screams "escaped convict with questionable morals (but a heart of gold, probably)". Think worn baseball caps, messenger bags with post-apocalyptic imagery, or even a beanie if you're feeling the post-cryogenic freeze chills.

More Than Clothes, It's a Celebration of Rebellion

Escape From New York apparel isn't just about looking tough; it's a way to celebrate the themes of defying authority, surviving against all odds, and finding a sliver of humanity in a harsh world. It's a chance to showcase your love for this cult classic film, or simply express your own rebellious spirit with a touch of dystopian flair.

Join the Escape From New York Fan Club (Unofficially, of Course)

Our Escape From New York apparel collection is a gateway to connect with fellow fans of this action-packed film! Discuss your favorite scenes, debate Snake's motivations, and celebrate the enduring legacy of Escape From New York together.

So, break free from fashion conformity today! Browse our extensive collection of Escape From New York apparel and find the perfect pieces to represent your inner Snake Plissken.

We have you covered for Escape From New York t-shirts and merch! Check out our range of Escape From New York t-shirts and other Escape From New York merchandise, then buy with confidence!